Point of Sale Products
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Point of Sale Products in Stock Now
(Click on the above images to see our complete line of 50+ POS products) Products include : Alarm clocks that fly away from you so you have to get out of bed to turn it off Mini RC controlled Helicopters for when the boss is away Moshi power and battery Alarm Clocks - Voice Activated Alarm Clocks Soccer Ball Mouse - Celebrate the World Cup by scoring your own goals Cute Mouses(mice) Porsche Mouse with LED lights The most popular body Mouse Webcams Solar powered flowers that sway under sunlight Plus much much more Cli-521 (Portable) Battery Resetter update (For OEM and Procolor) The battery powered version of the Pgi-520\Cli-521 resetter will be here by end next week. We would like to thank many of our customers for preordering the resetter and I am pleased to inform you that all of your resetters are now guaranteed for delivery. After resetting over 200+ cartridges and testing on various Australian printer models it has achieved our quality tick. At Ausjet we continually work hard to bring you resetting solutions for OEM and PROCOLOR cartridges. New Cli-521 (Permanent) Mains Powered Resetter Requires a power socket on your workbench, a more permanent solution where portability is not an issue the Mains powered version of the resetter could be the solution for you. This resetter (redsetter type) is a different design to the portable resetter and we will begin testing on this model early next week. If all goes well these resetters will be shipped to us in the 1st week of February. Ausjet is a proud member of: Phone: (07) 3823 5433 Fax: (07) 3823 5422 Email:sales@ausjetinks.com.au Web:www.ausjetinks.com.au |