Ausjet Inkjet & Laser Supplies Blog

Ausjet Stocktake Closing Dates

By on 21 June 2008 click here to comment

Please note that we will be closing for our annual stocktake on Friday the 27th of June 2008.

We therefore advise that if you need stock urgently orders must be placed before 1pm on Thursday 26th of June for prompt delivery.

Our new website has been a great success already with many customers using it to place their orders, find supplies, download our latest price list and their order tracking information. Our website is open 24/7 so do check it out when you get a chance. If you have not yet received your username and password by post please contact us and we will e-mail or call you with these details.

As our website is brand new we would appreciate any feedback (positive or negative) as we realise that there is always room for improvement.

Don't Forget About Our New Range of Laser Toner Cartridges and Reman Inkjets...

We have dramatically increased the range of laser toner cartridges and remanufactured inkjet cartridge we sell as well as reduced pricing. Please contact us for a copy of our latest price list which includes these products or go online.

Additional to our current laser cartridge range include:

Brother TN8000, TNO4 SERIES,
HP 4600,HP3500/3550, HP3600, 3700, HP3800, HP4600 series
Kyocera TK17, 20, 55, 65, 110, 120, 310
Samsung 1610 universal, 1710 universal

Additional to our remanufactured inkjet cartridge range:

HP 74XL, 75XL, 98, 99, 100
Lex 16, 26, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 82, 83
Canon CL41, PG40
Samsung M40, (M50 next week)
Dell 7y743, 7y745, T0529, T0530, M4640, M4646 

Brand New Ausjet Website Launched!

By on 18 June 2008 click here to comment

Hello and welcome to the all new and vastly improved Ausjet Inkjet and Laser Supplies website.

Logging In For The First Time:

The first thing you will notice is that you will need to login to view your account, pricing, order online or download a price list. To login simply click on the login link at the top or bottom of any page. You will receive your login details by post. If you have not yet received these details click on the forgotten password link and we will send you your login details by email (this will only work if you have an email address registered with us.)

New Customers:

If you are a new customer you will need to register as an Ausjet re-seller before gaining access to pricing, online ordering etc. To register please click on the "become a re-seller" link on the top right of any page.

Features Of Our New Website:


  • Online Supplies Finder - find all the supplies we sell for any cartridge or printer model at the click of a button.
  • Realtime stock status – find out in real time if an item is in-stock or available for backorder.
  • 24/7 online ordering with real time pricing and freight quotes – know exactly what you will pay at the point of order including special pricing arrangements, freight and other charges.
  • Online order tracking and past order history – track the progress of current orders and view your ordering history as well as your current account balance.
  • Unique QuickOrder tool allows you to place an order quicker than ever before!
  • Download your latest price list in Excel, Tab, CSV or if you require a customized format.
  • The Ausjet Blog – All the latest news from the inkjet industry including product releases, industry news and developments. Subscribe to the Ausjet Blog RSS feed or read it online.
  • Advanced drop shipping service for online businesses allows you to integrate your website inventory and order system with Ausjet which will ensure timely and accurate order processing. Items are sent out with your company logo and packing slips including customisable labels for ink bottles.
  • Full descriptions & images of all our products now ensures you have everything you need to properly market our products both on and offline.

If you have any questions about using our new website or need us to reset your password for you please call (07) 3823 5433 or click here to contact us by email.


Increased Laser Range and Lower Prices

By on 16 June 2008 click here to comment

We have dramatically increased the range of laser toner cartridges and remanufactured inkjet cartridge we sell as well as reduced pricing. Please contact us for a copy of our latest price list which includes these products (new items are listed at the bottom of this newsletter).

New State Of The Art Ausjet Website Coming Soon...

We have spent months developing what we believe to be the best online system in the industry today. All Ausjet customers will receive their login details for the new system soon which will act as a brilliant business tool for all in the industry. Some features of our new system include an advanced online supplies finder, 24/7 online ordering, real time stock status, real time shipping quotes, advanced drop-shipping system, online warranty and returns centre and lots more. Watch this space for more info and look out for your new username and password in the post.

Additional to our current laser cartridge range include:

Brother TN8000, TNO4 SERIES,

HP 4600,HP3500/3550, HP3600, 3700, HP3800, HP4600 series

Kyocera TK17, 20, 55, 65, 110, 120, 310

Samsung 1610 universal, 1710 universal

Additional to our remanufactured inkjet cartridge range:

HP 74XL, 75XL, 98, 99, 100

Lex 16, 26, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 82, 83

Canon CL41, PG40

Samsung M40, (M50 next week)

Dell 7y743, 7y745, T0529, T0530, M4640, M4646 


By on 16 June 2008 click here to comment


We have been informed by the I-ITC in the USA that the "US Supreme Court has unanimously decided in favour of Quanta vs LG Electronics (and therefore the aftermarket) in a case involving restrictions that a patent holder wished to enforce on the use of it’s product after it had been sold. The Supreme Court ruled that the patent holder’s rights to use its patents were exhausted by the first sale of its products. So terms attached to an agreement were unenforceable when patents were the underlying reason to support the validity of that agreement"

"The Court confirmed that the patent exhaustion doctrine is rock solid-the US Justice Dep’t also supported Quanta’s position"

This should see the demise of Lexmark's Prebate program and a slew of other abusive practices involving patents. There are other OEM’s out there playing around with Lemark type prebate programs so I hope they get the message. 


I mentioned in a previous newsletter that with rising metal and petroleum based  raw materials it would only be a matter of time before the OEM’s had to increase their prices in order to maintain their massive margins. Well it looks like it may well happen sooner than later. It has been reported that Kodak in the USA (a new entrant into the market) are to increase their prices by as much as 20%. We should open a book on who will be the next to jump on the bandwagon. There are a couple of OEM’s out there that are not performing that well. I would expect them to now re-assess their position and push up their prices. They shall remain nameless but I am sure you can all guess who they are. This is good news for our industry as higher OEM pricing translate to better margins to re-manufacturers. 

NEW CLI-8 / PGI-5 Resetter Released!

By on 4 June 2008 click here to comment

New Canon chip resetter is available for an unbelievable price of $49.00!

The unit is a stand alone unit so you don’t need it hooked up to a printer to reset the cartridges.

This resetter is a huge jump forward in technology and will reset all Pgi-5\Cli-8 cartridges, including the photos and red and green cartridges.

We have very low stock of this item so please act quickly.

CLI-8 Chip Resetter

New Range of Cartridges Released

By on 28 May 2008 click here to comment

New compatible inkjet cartridges HP10/11/12/88 series.

Our testing is completed with excellent results and our thanks to all those customers who contributed to the field testing.

These are a two part cartridge – one part with the chip +tank– the other part is the replacement tank. If you wish to refill these cartridges the tank is easily refilled and the chip can be reset with our current HP02 chip resetter. These are similar to our HP-02 compatibles.

We currently have limited quantities of these cartridges in stock but more are on the way by Air freight.

# HP11/12 Black cartridge and replacement tank are interchangeable.

Ausjet’s complete range of new HP and Lexmark compatibles.

HP- 02/10*/11*/12*/21/22/23/27/28/56/57/78/88*

* New additions to our range


 New remanufactured inkjet cartridges.

We have extended the range of our very popular remanufactured inkjet cartridges. These cartridges are now in stock and are the perfect alternative to the  genuine cartridge. We have been so impressed with the quality and reliability of the HP90 series that we have decided to increase our range from our current supplier. Pricing is very competitive.

A little history on the Ausjet remanufactured cartridges – the Ausjet team tested over 28 different remanufactured brands over 2 years. The cartridges we now supply were by far the most reliable and highest quality product that was tested. This testing has been backed up by exceptional reliability and excellent field reports.

Ausjet’s complete range of remanufactured cartridges:

Canon PG-40*/CL-41*

Dell TO-529*/530*/7Y743*/7Y745*

HP 74XL/75XL/92/93/94/95/96/97/98*/99*/100*

Lexmark L-16* (10N0016) /L-26* (10N0026) /L-31*(10C0031)

               L-32* (18C0032) /L-33* (18C0033) /L-34* (18C0034)

               L-35* (18C0035) /L-82* (18L0032) /L-83* (18L0042)

Samsung M40*/M45*

* New additions to our range

We are getting great results from these cartridges and I was curious about their remanufacturing procedures. These cartridges are produced in a highly advanced facility where circuit testing, ultrasonic cleaning, foam cleaning and drying, filter cleaning or replacing equipment and vacuum filling is used. They also air pressure test the cartridges to guarantee that airfreighting will not cause leaking.

They have provided us with a step by step guide of what is involved.

Steps used to remanufacture

* They only use virgin genuine cartridges to remanufacture *

1) Visual Inspection

2) Electronic Test

3) Ultrasonic cleaning

4) Soak the printhead nozzles in soaking fluid for 24 hours.

5) Remove lid and foam

6) Pure deionised water cleaning of cartridge

7) Clean or replace filter

8) Foam drying and cleaning

9) Fix foam in place

10) Weighing empties

11) Filling ink under vacuum

12) Semi finished cartridge weighing

13) Print testing using printers

14) Printhead sealing

15) Air Pressure test (simulate air pressure during flight)

16) Clean up original labels

17) Appearance trimming

18) Final Cartridge weighing

I hope this information has been useful to you.

Ausjet Technical Support

Help Yourself, Help Your Industry!

By on 22 May 2008 click here to comment

This petition by ACRA is vital to our businesses and our industry – the petition states.

"The petition is to the Australian or New Zealand Federal Government to enact laws to prohibit the use of devices, contractual or otherwise or software that disable or prohibit the remanufacture of our empty printer cartridge”.

In this way we will reduce greenhouse gas emission and the waste of oil caused in the unnecessary manufacture of these products. By so doing we will adhere to best environmental practice of 're-using' product before recycling before sending further plastic components to landfill."




Please reply to this e-mail to receive a hard copy petition sheet to display at your shop or workplace to collect signatures.


  • Put the link to the petition on your website and/or email the link to your customers.
  • Contact local schools and environmental groups to help with the petition – it may also be a good way to get your foot in the door.
  • Have a think about other ways to get signatures – I’m sure you will have some great ideas.
  • Display the hardcopy petition form at your workplace or shop (reply to this emails for a copy)

It’s very important for everybody to get this petition out there and get as many signatures as possible.

Electronic Chip on the Epson 9 Pin Carts

By on 17 May 2008 click here to comment

I have had many emails flying around the world for quite a while now about these Epson 9 pin cartridges. I’ve been trying to find out how far away the resetters are and why the resetting is difficult. 

Then all of a sudden they just appeared – the 9 pin chip resetters are now miraculously available. To reset back to full, the cartridge must contain at least 20% of the ink – which isn’t very practical for us .Why would the cartridge have to contain 20% of ink you may be asking?

The 9 pin chip is different to the 7 pin chip – the biggest difference is that it has an actual ink sensor that is attached to the chip. The sensor is in the cartridge and ink is in contact with it. A few of us old timers may remember the Epson S020025 cartridge which had a similar system all those years ago.

I’m not exactly sure how the sensor works but it could be measuring the conductivity – when ink is available there will be a conductivity reading when there is no ink zero conductivity or very low reading will be found.
In this system – a very small voltage would be applied between two small probes – if the electricity reaches the other side it is conductive. So in this case a very low voltage would pass through the ink – but when the probes are not touched by ink no electricity will pass from one side to the other.
From my understanding once the sensor doesn’t recognise ink any longer, information on the chip gets changed and at this stage can’t be reset back to full. We’ll keep researching and testing and if a solution is found we will get it you as soon as we can.

But remember we have Procolor cartridges available for these printers that work extremely well. It appears that our Epson TO-731 series can be refilled as the chip resets itself! So it’s not a total lockout for our industry.
I hope this information has been useful for you.

More Lexmark Return Program Cartridges

By on 17 May 2008 click here to comment

On the previous technical bulletin we mentioned the range of Lexmark return program cartridges that could not be filled. Going through the Lexmark website I have found a couple more cartridges:

Lexmark 41 (18Y0141A) & 42 (18Y0142A) are return program cartridges and are unable to be filled.

Recommend the following cartridges to your customer which can be refilled.
Lexmark 41A (18Y0341A) and 42A (18Y0342A)

The return program seems to be here to stay – so its important for everybody to keep up to date with what can and cannot be refilled!

New Design of HP Cartridges Released

By on 17 May 2008 click here to comment

While not available in Australia at the moment, HP has released the HP901 and HP60 series cartridges. These cartridges represent the first new integrated print head from HP since 2004. Fabricated using new materials and using what HP calls ‘resistor innovation’ which supports a higher firing frequency of 24 KHz compared to 18 KHz previously. Essentially this allows for faster firing of the ink drop process.
The 901 Black cartridges has 336 Nozzles, each capable of firing 24 000 drops per second of pigment black ink

The 901 Colour cartridge has 1248 nozzles. Two different size nozzles are in the colour cartridge producing 1.5 and 5 picolitre drop sizes. Previously the 90 Series colour ink cartridges could only produce 5 picolitre drop sizes, so 1.5 picolitre is similar size to Canons smallest drop size cartridge. 


Dear Valued Customer,

We are excited to advise that the new 2530XL has passed quality tests and we are currently taking pre-orders by Air shipment. 

Be one of the first on the market with a brand new product and lock in your customers now!

Price is $57ex* order arrives within 4 weeks. The product has been ISO tested and is of high quality.

Orders must be confirmed by COB Wednesday, March 27th.

The next shipment will arrive by sea in approximately 10 weeks.

Contact us today with quantities you would like to order!




Ausjet Inkjet & Laser Supplies

*includes Air shipment costs, sea orders would be slightly cheaper